Oh ho ho, my first post and I have no idea why my heart is beating so fast. It's practically like "HO-DOM-HO-DOM" (Do hearts make those sounds? Kind of sounds like a bear doing push ups and...oh, what am I talking about?)
There are so many blogs out there right now, it must have been pure luck that you ended up here (or fate! That's right, fate tells you that you should stick around for the fun.)
I actually spent the last few days playing around with the blog template but with my limited skills, this is as good as it gets. And then I spent the next few days contemplating on what to write for my first great blog entry but it just ends up as a rambling post haha
I'll throw in a picture of my head for your viewing pleasure!

This photo was actually taken and made for the blog photo header. I was going to draw a body for it and it was going to be super cute and adorable (and I was going to be standing on one of those islands in the blog title picture :D). Everyone who came through my blog was gonna be like "OMG. CUTE! MUST READ BLOG."
But after attempting to draw the body...


FREAKING FREAKY! HAHAHAAHAAHAHA OH MAN, I couldn't stop laughing when I was editing this picture! *wipe tears* And it even looks like I'm walking while I'm waving! I can't quite nail why it looks as freaky as it does but it just does. OH MAN OH MAN.
I thought about it for a while, and decided this picture would be no good for my blog title. I doubt people would read any further in my blog if that thing was the first thing they saw. They'd be like "Oooh a blog and OMFG! WTF IS THAT?" And that would be the end of their visit. Well, unless they had the same reaction as me and started cracking up.
The original photo was this:

Not bad, not bad...
And then some kind of horrible disaster hit and this freaky thing was born:

And I'll end my first post like this, with a beautiful picture of my head and the even more beautiful body. Not exactly how I imagined my first post to be...harharhar
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